Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mozilla Firefox 42.0

Mozilla Firefox 42.0


>>> What's New <<<
Private Browsing with Tracking Protection blocks certain Web elements that could be used to record your behavior across sites.
Control Center that contains site security and privacy controls
Indicator added to tabs that play audio with one-click muting

>>> WebRTC improvements <<<
IPV6 support
Preferences for controlling ICE candidate generation and IP exposure
Hooks for extensions to allow/deny createOffer/Answer
Improved ability for applications to monitor and control which devices are used in getUserMedia

>>> Login Manager improvements <<<
Improved heuristics to save usernames and passwords
Edit and show all logins in line, Copy/Paste usernames/passwords from the Context menu
Migration imports your passwords to Firefox from Google Chrome for Windows and Internet Explorer; import anytime
from the Login Manager

>>> Recommended Hardware <<<
Pentium 4 or newer processor that supports SSE2
512MB of RAM
200MB of hard drive space

>>> File Size <<<
42.9 MB

>>> Arabloads <<<

>>> Indishare <<<

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